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Backyard Quail – free range?

Backyard Quail – free range?

Backyard Quail – free range?

I have gotten a couple of questions lately about “free ranging” quail.  While this works well for chickens, ducks and other fowl, it is not recommended that you free range quail.  They tend to fly off never to be seen again. They don’t tend to roost in the same place each evening making free ranging difficult.

Flight Pens

If you check my site I recommend a smaller cage for urban quail, about 2X3 foot.  If you have more room and want to simulate a free range for your quail, you could use what is called a flight cage.  It is a larger completely enclosed area that will allow the quail some height and distance to fly and exercise.  It is usually used by growers who intend to sell their quail for training dogs to retrieve.  Quail used in this way need to have strong flight muscles.  it could also be used at ground level (as opposed to raised cages with wire bottoms) to allow the birds some ranging.  It creates a real problem if part of your intent is to raise the birds for eggs, they are harder to find in such a setup.

Quail Tractor?

Although I have never heard of it being used with quail, I would assume you could also used what is called a chicken tractor (search it).  This would allow the birds some ground contact and a chance at natural foods like insects.

I would recommend regardless that you can add a small box with some sand in it the cage to allow for some natural stimulation of the birds.  Although they don’t need the grit if given an all purpose feed, it cant hurt them.

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