Slightly Redneck Solar Coop Light

I just backed Chris Carnes and The Slightly Rednecked Automatic Coop Light on @Kickstarter.

This great light will allow you to extend the egg-laying season into the winter months.

8 thoughts on “Slightly Redneck Solar Coop Light”

    1. This Kickstarter did not get enough support, so these lights were never made available. For my coop, I use a string of white Christmas lights on a timer. In order to maintain egg production, the birds need about 12 hours of light a day. In the winter months when days are short here I have the lights come on early in the morning. It is best to add light in the morning to wake the birds. In the evening it is best to just allow the natural daylight to slowly darken so the birds are not startled if the artificial lights are cut off and it suddenly becomes dark.

  1. I got back to you too late. Naomi at kc quail very good. I have a feeling that my hatch rate is going to be low. I told her about you.

  2. I got these eggs from kc quail farm. I will try one more time with them next week. I had a hovabator incubator.

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